

Two Sister Lucys of Fatima : New Comparison

Sister Lucia in February 1947 in the garden of the “Sardao College” of the Dorothean Sisters, with a model of the statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, carved by Father Thomas McGlynn, O.P.
Sister Lucia, Carmelite novice, 1949.
Surely these three photos are of the same woman.
I'm thankful to the website Tradition in Action and especially Marian Horvat, Ph.D. for their articles on Two Sister Lucys (click here). However, it seems that many people have not yet believed that Two Sister Lucys existed actually. One of the reasons why they cannot believe it would be the interval of 20 years between two compared groups of photos. People suppose it might be possible that such a long interval changes the human face greatly. However, look at two photos I put at the beginning of this page. There is only two years interval.
So it is time for all of us to come to the conviction of Two Sister Lucys.
However, needless to say, you cannot hold a conviction only by watching a few photos on this page. I added a title "New Comparison" to this page, that is, there are preceding comparisons, which Marian Horvat, Ph.D. gave to us. Please watch them and read them.



Real Sister Lucia 1947
Impostor Sister Lucia 1949
Real Sister Lucia 1947
Impostor Sister Lucia 1949