
No Mystery, No Confusion

"Traditionalists are not always getting the full picture."
Examining the text of Pope Paul's address today, one can scarcely believe that it was uttered by the Roman Pontiff, divinely appointed guardian of Tradition and the common good of the Church. It defies comprehension that the Vicar of Christ could, in such ironic tones, exhort us to behave "like profane intruders in the literary preserve of sacred utterance"; to abandon "the language of the angels"; to reject something of "priceless worth", the "loftiest of our Church's values"; and to accept instead a new rite of Mass concocted by an obscure Monsignor named Bugnini, with the aid of a liturgical committee assisted by six Protestant advisors!
The mystery deepens even further when one considers that only a year before this address Pope Paul had lamented the "auto-demolition" of the Church in the aftermath of the Council. Did Pope Paul think that this process of auto-demolition would be arrested by what Gamber called "the real destruction of the traditional Mass"? Stranger still, three years after he had imposed the Bugnini rite upon the Church, Pope Paul would lament that, "From somewhere or other the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God." From somewhere or other.
Considering the tumultuous pontificate of Paul VI, and the confusing signals he was giving, e.g.: speaking about the “smoke of Satan that had entered the Church,” yet refusing to condemn heresies officially; his promulgation of Humanae Vitae (the glory of his pontificate), yet his careful avoidance of proclaiming it ex cathedra; delivering his Credo of the People of God in Piazza San Pietro in 1968, and once again failing to declare it binding on all Catholics; disobeying the strict orders of Pius XII to have no contact with Moscow, and appeasing the Hungarian Communist government by reneging on the solemn promise he had made to Cardinal Mindszenty; his treatment of holy Cardinal Slipyj, who had spent seventeen years in a Gulag, only to be made a virtual prisoner in the Vatican by Paul VI; and finally asking Archbishop Gagnon to investigate possible infiltration in the Vatican, only to refuse him an audience when his work was completed – all these speak strongly against the beatification of Paolo VI, dubbed in Rome, “Paolo Sesto, Mesto” (Paul VI, the sad one).
God alone is the judge of Paul VI. But it cannot be denied that his pontificate was a very complex and tragic one.
I respect Mr. Ferrara and Dr. Hildebrand sincerely. Nevertheless, I agree with the anonymous e-mail titled "WILL THE REAL MONTINI PLEASE STAND UP?" (CLICK). Namely, I think that they (traditionalists) are not always getting the full picture. Truly, in hidden truth, there would have been neither mystery nor confusion around Pope Paul VI, with him.
Of course, he was a human being, and he was assuming a heavy responsibility. So I don't think that he was entirely free from confusion (human weakness). Nevertheless, at the same time, I don't think that he was confused to a tragic extent.
Their observation is much more right than the observation which the general Catholic faithfuls do. Nevertheless, they are incorrect on the identification of the cause, I think.
According to their observation, Pope Paul VI is like Jekyll and Hyde. However, he would have been never so.
The correct answer is much stranger than it.
The correct answer is much simpler than it.
He was "They".
How do you think about the fact that Brescia loves Pope Paul VI and at the same time can have such sinister monument as containing the curse to him? This appears to be a contradiction to our eyes. How do you understand this?
As for me, even if the founders of institutions or foundations (for example Istituto Paolo VI) with the name of Paul VI in Brescia and the people who had put the sinister monument to Pope Paul VI in Brescia Cathedral overlap each other, I'm not be surprised.
I can write only very poor English. Could I make myself understood somehow?
For me, the monument of Brescia Cathedral seems to be precise reflection of Bayside Prophecies and Warnings From Beyond (exorcism document).